The most aesthetically pleasing online business with simple navigation, the best products backed by excellent customer service, and unlimited marketing budgets are all possible. All of this won’t matter, though, if you’re not engaging and reaching the correct audience for your business.

You must first identify the ideal demographic for your business in order to attract the right customers to your online store and boost sales. You need to know who they are, what they value, and how they interact with different channels at different points in the buying process, from curiosity and validation to decision and advocacy.

Here are four strategies for using digital marketing to find and interact with the correct audience.

1. Find Out What Your Audience Values

We have access to almost infinite amounts of data as marketers and business owners. We can learn how customers locate and use our store using Google Analytics and Search Console. We may learn about the age, geography, marital status, interests, and behaviors of our fans and clients using Facebook Insights and Ad Manager. Social media listening technologies can provide us with information about what customers think of our brand and products as well as what other subjects they find fascinating.

Utilize these tools to learn more about the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your audience in order to better grasp what is significant and engaging. There are numerous technologies that can assist in this area and are simple to integrate with the Bigcommerce backend. These solutions retarget or push advertisements out to attract more customers to your website by using data from associated accounts as well as data from your store (for example, Facebook Power Editor).

2. Speak in the Tongue of Your Audience

If you speak in a too formal manner, you will never connect with Belieber tween girls. And by using flowery language and exclamation points, you’ll probably alienate male boomer sports car enthusiasts. Speak the language of your audience in order to connect with them. This entails including their genuine words and phrases throughout, in addition to speaking in the appropriate voice and tone.

Our team discovered that many clients referred to their clothing items as “darling” during a thorough ethnographic investigation for a woman’s clothing company. To better connect with their customers, we started utilizing this term in advertising copy and social media conversations, and we instantly noticed an increase in the campaign’s click-through rate.

However, you don’t need a lengthy, extensive study like this one to identify these prevalent expressions. Your audience’s preferred language can be discovered by simply using social media listening tools or manual monitoring of social media conversations. We frequently utilize Tweetdeck and call clients frequently to hear how they organically talk about their businesses and our product. We then use that language into targeted advertising.

3. Understanding Organic Keywords

For every website, organic search is often the biggest source of visitors. It’s critical to comprehend not just the search phrases that are bringing customers to your store, but also the context in which they are being used and the stage at which the audience members are. Generally, there are three basic categories for keywords:

  • Informational search terms are employed to locate broader subjects or objects. Most often, the user is still unsure of their exact needs or wants. They continue their inquiry. This is your chance to be engaging and/or helpful, boosting the possibility that they will think of you when they are ready to make a purchase.
  • Keywords for navigation: Used to locate a certain website or product. For instance, they can be looking for your company name or a particular item you sell. These customers may not be prepared to make a purchase just yet, but they have probably already done their research or know exactly what they want. Alternatively, they can be returning consumers who have already made a transaction.
  • Searching for a product to buy requires the use of transactional keywords. Using the phrase “buy bicycle tires” as an example, the user is either close to making the purchase or is already on their way.

You can create content to more effectively meet the needs of your audience by identifying pertinent search phrases and the human intent that underlies them. FAQs, learning centers, resource sections, and blog postings are common places to find informational content. Pages for product categories and individual products provide transactional and directional content.

You may find out which other websites are currently ranking highly on a search keyword by using tools like Ahrefs or BuzzSumo. These platforms will display information such as the amount of backlinks, publisher, publication date, and more. Do some study on what your rivals or the most popular businesses are doing, and then duplicate it in your own own tone and fashion.

Options for retargeting campaigns are available on many digital platforms. For search retargeting on desktop and mobile devices, you can utilize AdWords, Google Display Network or a DSP, or Facebook. It will be easier for you to choose the finest channels for your retargeting campaigns if you are aware of who your audience is and the channels they utilize. The list of integrations provided above is useful for calculating the channel ROI from advertising efforts and can serve as a solid starting point for defining the situations in which retargeting may benefit your brand the most.

You may identify a more qualified audience by developing a thorough grasp of who your consumers are and what drives them. After that, you may use digital channels to connect with that demographic, generating better-quality traffic, enhancing user engagement while on your site, and most crucially, boosting sales.

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