Probably already familiar with the fundamentals of Facebook marketing

  • Consumers’ attention with pertinent content
  • Regularly and during the best periods, post.
  • In order to keep users interested, reply to comments.
  • By using lookalikes, you may expand your audience and target the proper users.
  • And use Facebook analytics and advertising to grow and improve even more.

But Facebook is always evolving, much like most things in the realm of digital marketing.

So sticking to the fundamentals alone is insufficient; we need to do more. Businesses need a novel strategy to stand out in the sea of information being shared on Facebook nowadays, as Bernie Wong, founder of social media consultancy Social Stand Limited, noted.

Thus, we enter the picture. We asked the professionals to provide their top advice for creating a productive Facebook marketing plan in 2022, and they did not disappoint! Let’s start now.

How to create a 2022 Facebook marketing plan

Create a Facebook marketing plan that will benefit your company in 2022 by using these features and recommendations.

1. Make use of Facebook Open Graph

Facebook Open Graph is a set of meta elements that aid the social media network in determining how to present your content. By avoiding any quality problems while sharing links, this encourages visitors to spread your material.

However, Matt Weidle, business development manager at the reviews website Buyer’s Guide, pointed out that Facebook Open Graph also enables businesses to create third-party apps that link to Facebook profiles of consumers. When the user performs a specified action, such as listening or reading, the app then alerts them.

As “an amazing instance of how Facebook Open Graph may be utilized as a marketing tool on Facebook,” he cited the streaming service Spotify.

Additionally, Open Graph activities are “distinctive enough to stand out in a user’s clogged News Feed,” according to Shiv Gupta, marketing director of digital marketing firm Incrementors Web Solutions.

2. Create profile changes

The creator of the car-buying website Buy Here Pay Here, Ryan Jeffords, advises enhancing the user experience on your profile page by reducing tabs, reorganizing hierarchy, and adding or removing crucial tabs in order to make it simpler for people to access material.

If your business provides services, make sure the review tab is selected, he said. “Remember to group any tabs that go to your other social media pages.”

Additionally, the sidebar tabs are customisable and useful for directing traffic to your website by including a call to action, according to Dror Zaifman, head of digital marketing at lending marketplace iCash.

3. Attempt Facebook Live.

Businesses would be prudent to experiment with live content on websites like Facebook as live streaming starts to gain popularity among shops and e-commerce platforms. In the end, it’s free.

This is particularly crucial around the holidays, according to Jeff Moriarty, marketing manager of the jewelry website Moriarty’s Gem Art.

During these live broadcasts and the days that follow, he continued, “We have discovered that interaction is really strong and we notice a jump in sales through our website and our retail store.”

The creator of reputation management website DiamondLinks, Brandon Hopkins, concurred and mentioned Q&As as a potential content format by working with connected companies. You may grow the popularity of your Facebook page and perhaps reach new audiences by holding a series of live events.

4. Pin your articles

Pinning a post to the top of your profile is hardly a novel idea, but Tristan Harris, demand generation marketing manager at digital marketing firm Thrive Agency, calls it a “jewel.”

That’s in part because it enables businesses to draw attention to a post with strong interaction among new users.

“The first post consumers see when they visit your page should be intriguing enough for them to want to learn more about your company,” he said. Make sure the visual is eye-catching, the text is relevant, and the topic is engaging because a pinned post is a customer’s first impression of you.

Brands shouldn’t undervalue the influence of a pinned post, according to Eric Thomas, CEO of the solar panel website Simple Solar Living.

Use the pinned post to emphasize important fundamental information, such as your company’s beliefs, calls to action, sustainability policies, or present locations, the author continued. It has power since it will always be the first post visitors see when they visit your page.

5. Participate in Facebook Reels

Reels, Facebook’s short-form video feature, was first tested in August 2021 in an effort to compete with TikTok, the social media sensation.

Coalition Technologies’ Jennifer Leavens, a digital producer and social media strategist, drew attention to a chance for marketers to profit from Reels since Facebook wants the feature to be successful and is “pushing” it to consumers.

Brands may get more advantages by paying attention to new features like these and adopting them quickly, she noted.

6. Find out what works for your audience by conducting tests.

It’s also important to keep in mind that any Facebook marketing plan is always being improved. You can keep becoming better through testing, gaining knowledge, and optimizing.

A/B split tests are advised by Zaifman to determine how well your plan is doing.

According to him, “These tests can show when time of day your users are at their highest or which material draws the most readers.” An A/B test can efficiently show which portions of your Facebook page require development through the use of heatmaps and clickmaps.

To assist with this, Facebook now provides a means for you to immediately A/B test your organic posts using Creator Studio:

Spencer Smith, vice president of marketing at the digital marketing agency Evocalize, concurred that this “test, measure, iterate method” aids in the improvement of marketers. He gave the example of a sizable customer, whose CPC dropped by 95% after experimenting with lookalike sources and percentages and first shifting optimization to a higher-level event.

Success requires persistence and a desire to learn, he continued.

7. Analyze the feelings of the audience.

Brands may use social media sentiment research to discover what online users actually think about them.

The owner of the SEO business Scott Keever SEO, Scott Keever, encourages using a different strategy than “simply looking at the amount of mentions or comments on your company’s Facebook page.”

Brands may better adjust their marketing tactics and make changes to their messaging and/or product development to better match customer requirements by employing a sentiment analysis tool.

He added, “Marketers succeed best when they comprehend their audience. Therefore, it’s critical for marketers to comprehend how the target market actually feels about the brand, your campaigns, and your social media postings, as opposed to simply how they discuss you.

8. Improve the SEO of your Facebook profile.

Leavens advised using SEO basic practices on your Facebook page as well, however it may be another that is so straightforward it’s simple to ignore. This entails optimizing your page name and other Page Info parts, such as your Facebook bio.

There is a brief description with a word limit of 255 and a place for more information with a character limit of 50,000, she explained. There is plenty of potential to use keywords without overdoing it.

9. interacting with people rather than selling

Selling items is one of advertising’s main objectives. You should avoid making a hard sell to Facebook users, even while that should unquestionably be a component of your Facebook marketing plan.

I Over Golf creator Scott Ferguson suggested using storytelling as an alternative to overt commercial promotion. In the end, the tell will assist you in closing the sale.

Isla Sibanda, proprietor of the VPN services website Privacyaustralia, continued, “People are so used to advertisements that they immediately disregard them.”

Or, as Leavens put it, if Facebook users don’t already love your brand, they won’t spend money with you.

“Emotional connection must always come first in social media strategy, followed by being a resource and then selling,” she said. “In actuality, the emotional connection facilitates your sales. The relevant message should come first, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tag your product(s) or add a CTA in a post designed to connect with your audience.

Facebook marketing techniques to boost your ads

Without Facebook advertising, you can’t have a successful Facebook marketing plan! Make use of these suggestions to enhance your Facebook advertising.

10. Utilize the Facebook Ad Library.

The Facebook Ad Library is a repository for all of the company’s advertisements over the previous seven years. However, Wong also noted that it’s a good resource for marketers to research effective creative, including how businesses use customer pain points to guide ad spend and the brand messages that gain the most traction. Part of the goal of the initiative is to provide more transparency into political ads.

Finding out how your rivals communicate their brand story is also a goldmine, he continued.

11. Do not disregard WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Brands may engage customers by using the messaging services Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, which Facebook purchased in 2014. As consumers spend less time each day on the social networking site itself, this is particularly crucial, Wong said.

“By sending the newest information, promotional offers, [and] pertinent blog entries over Messenger and WhatsApp, you allow more people to find your material,” he stated. Additionally, the cheapest approach to analyze and customize 24/7 consumer engagement is through Messenger chatbots.

With Facebook now providing Messenger-specific advertisements, Lauren Cook-McKay, director of marketing and content at the divorce website Divorce Answers, agreed that Messenger in particular is a helpful marketing channel for customer support inquiries.

12. Consider Sponsored Stories

Even though Facebook and Messenger Stories have been available for some time, along with the option to advertise within, they continue to be a successful way to connect with the hundreds of millions of people that engage with the content formats on a regular basis.

These Sponsored Stories communicate users’ interactions with their friends, such as those who have liked a brand’s page or claimed an offer, in accordance with Tanner Arnold, president and CEO of equipment commerce platform Revelation Machinery. He cited Facebook data showing that Sponsored Stories had a 20% cheaper cost per click and a 46% higher click-through rate than other Facebook advertising.

13. Check your Facebook Relevance Score.

Facebook assesses the effectiveness and engagement of your advertising using the Relevance Score. It is significant since it affects your CPC and how frequently ads are displayed on the platform.

Tyler Martin, CEO of business coaching firm ThinkTyler, advises keeping an eye on your Relevance Score(s) to ensure that your advertisements are performing—and, if not, to make the required adjustments to optimize ROI—because Facebook advertising isn’t becoming any less expensive.

14. reduced audience numbers as a goal

Targeting what Michael Alexis, CEO of the events company TeamBuilding, refers to as “one niche deeper” is another strategy to increase ROI.

This is despite Facebook’s cautions that when you change factors like age, gender, income, hobbies, and geography, your audience is getting too narrow.

He said that the best method to increase relevancy and conversions is to keep the audience small. “You might still want to appeal to more people, and you can do that. Try creating 10 campaigns that each reach 10,000 people instead of one one that reaches 100,000 people. Returns on your extra effort will be seen.

15. your ad placements, edit

The “recommended” setting for placements is automatically selected by Facebook when you create an ad, but Nate Tsang, CEO of the financial market monitoring website WallStreetZen, cautioned that “this is not the appropriate way to do things.”

Spend the time editing your ad placements instead for the best results.

Because they have certain applications and networks where they want to showcase your adverts, Facebook wants you to choose the suggested setting, he explained. But you need to adjust and omit categories to get the best results.

For instance, WallStreetZen has had success with desktop placements.

Tsang said, “You can also fine-tune the categories you appear in to optimize your relevance and boost your click-through rate. Taking the time to make adjustments is preferable to blindly following the algorithm’s recommendations.

16. Make improvements earlier in the funnel.

Smith advised trying to optimize higher in the sales funnel if you’re not getting the desired results. This is so that Facebook can optimize your campaign when you optimize for a conversion event, such as a purchase.

“The system throttles back your spend to conserve your budget if it doesn’t see enough conversion events,” he continued.

Facebook will record additional events, though, if you switch the optimization event to anything farther down the funnel, such an add to cart or page visit.

When you reach a critical mass, you should change your optimization event to a lower-funnel conversion, according to Smith. As you acquire more higher-level events, you should also obtain more lower-level events. Set your conversions as low in the funnel as you can, but as high as you need to reach critical mass, is what I like to say.

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