A strong social media strategy is now crucial for modern businesses. Your plan, in short, outlines how your company will utilize social media to accomplish its goals. This covers the platforms you’ll employ, your quantifiable success criteria, and much more.

You may believe there is no need to modify or update your current social media strategy because it has been successful for you. However, since social media is always evolving, it is important to keep your strategy fresh.

Here are six more recent components you might think about incorporating into your plan to up your social media game:

1. Add a chatbot to your Facebook page using Messenger.

An excellent approach to stay in touch with your audience on a personal level is with a Messenger chatbot. When notifying subscribers to your content about special discounts or new content on your website, you may tailor the messages you send to them.

Additionally, chatbots may greatly simplify and speed up customer care by answering questions from your consumers around-the-clock. Better client relationships can result from this, and in the long run, it can only be beneficial.

Even receipts, shipping confirmations, and product recommendations may be provided by chatbots.

2. Your Facebook page should include a video cover image.

One of the first things new visitors to your Facebook Page will see is the cover photo; in certain cases, they may even view it before your profile image. Given this, it’s crucial to make a statement, and using a video cover picture is the best method to do it.

For more ideas, visit the Facebook pages of Australia.com or National Geographic.

3. Across all platforms, more video should be used, especially live video.

These days, video content is so crucial, especially with videos now automatically playing in the Facebook News Feed.

You may also broadcast live on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Consider how you may benefit from this and produce fantastic, engaging content for your fans.

It’s worth making the time and effort to include video in your social marketing strategy because, according to all the experts, its popularity will only increase.

4. Invest in commercials.

Organic reach on all platforms is declining as a result of Facebook’s algorithm changes, as well as the usage of algorithm-defined methods by Twitter and Instagram to organize user feeds.

While delivering meaningful, high-quality content should always be a top priority, even a tiny investment in an advertising campaign may have a big impact, particularly on Facebook where you can truly target your audience.

5. Use tales

Initially available on Snapchat, this feature has subsequently appeared on Facebook and Instagram.

And it’s just growing; Facebook continues to promote Facebook Stories alongside Snapchat, and there are now over 300 million monthly users of Instagram Stories. Social tales will undoubtedly grow in popularity as new features and enhancements are added on a regular basis.

Because Stories are so immediate, you don’t necessarily need to create really high-quality, carefully chosen material as you would ordinarily on your profile. Stories are a terrific way to connect with your audience in real time. Instead, you might utilize it as a casual means of providing a peek inside your company.

Play around with the various Lenses and filters, and create surveys or quizzes. According to research, younger millennials and Generation Z are particularly fond of this type of material (which is only available for 24 hours before being erased), which is also thought to be more real than sponsored commercials or other types of content. It is worthwhile to take advantage of this.

6. Adapt your content

If you’ve recorded a live video about a certain subject, share it on other social media platforms, transcribe it, and then turn it into a blog post.

You may either combine videos from your Instagram or Snapchat Stories and post the collection on your Facebook Page or YouTube by taking quotations from the video and turning them into quote cards to promote on social media.

Check out Lilach Bullock’s post, “5 Ways to Repurpose Your Top Social Media Posts and Updates,” for more ideas on how to make the most of one piece of content and ensure that your messaging is consistent across all platforms.

As previously mentioned, social media is always evolving, and new tools and solutions are constantly available to improve your messaging. To make sure you’re optimizing your efforts, it’s important to keep up with all the most recent advances and use them wherever available.

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