A review of the most recent social media usage statistics from Sprout Social, Hootsuite, and other sources

Social media surged in popularity during the COVID-19 epidemic as individuals searched for a method to interact with one another. As many of us stopped commuting and our schedules changed as a result of the pandemic, it also had an impact on the ideal times to post on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn (and some even joined The Great Resignation).

This indicates that now is the ideal moment to reassess when to publish on social media. Brands were forced to adapt as audiences changed during the epidemic. Whether or whether your social media marketing strategies are successful will depend in large part on the time you publish. In this post, we’ll examine the most recent information on social media usage that has been obtained by systems like Sprout Social and Hootsuite. Additionally, we’ll provide you with some advice on how to utilize your own data to determine the ideal posting window for your particular brand. This might assist you in determining when to publish on social media to get the greatest interaction from your followers.

What Are the Ideal Times for Social Media Posting?

So, when on social media should you post? That is the million-dollar question. You may utilize a variety of online channels for your business, including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, TikTok, YouTube, and more. Prior to connecting with your audience on social media, you must first select the best social media site or platforms.

Overall though, a weekday early morning is the optimum time to post on social media. In this manner, when your audience awakens in the morning, Your post will be one of the most popular items of content when someone opens their preferred platform and begins scrolling. (Saturdays continue to be the worst day to publish; this is still pretty much the general consensus.)

The largest benefit from this information will go to newly created social media accounts who are trying to grow their following. The optimum days and times to publish for your personal brand, which may differ, may be determined using a variety of tools and services if you do have an audience.

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What Time Is Best for Facebook Posting?

You may interact with and share updates with your friends, family, and coworkers via the website Facebook.

Facebook posts should be made between 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. and 1 p.m. Avoid publishing on Saturdays because, according to research from Sprout Social, that day of the week had the lowest interaction.

Facebook continues to be the most popular social networking site in the world, therefore posting on it is never a mistake. Facebook likes constant interaction. The best interaction and viewing chances for brands are throughout the weekdays, nights, and early morning hours.

Facebook global engagement chart

What Time Is the Best for Instagram Posts?

Instagram began as a straightforward photo-sharing software, but it has now developed into a full-fledged retail app where influencers promote firms’ goods and services.

Between 11 a.m. and noon is the ideal time to post on Instagram. and 2 p.m. at 11 a.m. on Tuesday. between Monday and Friday.

Many businesses have switched to Instagram for commercial use. Reels, Instagram Shopping, an algorithm-based feed, and other entertaining updates have all been added to Instagram in recent years. Instagram is the ideal platform for companies to publish fresh content, whether it’s infographics, amusing videos, or high-quality images. To assist you in producing Explore page-worthy material for your feed, you might want to think about employing expert social media content development services.

Instagram global engagement chart

When Should You Tweet on Twitter?

Twitter is a crucial tool for sharing brief, 280-character-or-less news updates that are up to the minute (or even second!).

On weekdays, the optimal time to post to Twitter is early in the morning, about 8 a.m. Hootsuite data indicates that this occurs on Mondays and Thursdays. In the event that you must publish on the weekend, aim for the morning, preferably a bit later when Twitter users are awake.

Nevertheless, because tweets are so momentary, don’t be afraid to plan tweets (or compose them immediately!) throughout the day. On Twitter, unlike other networks, you can’t actually overpost.

Twitter global engagement chart

What Time of Day Should I Post on LinkedIn?

The largest online professional networking platform in the world is called LinkedIn.

At nine in the morning, you should post on LinkedIn. based on data from Hootsuite, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The time you publish might not matter as much on LinkedIn as it does on other platforms since LinkedIn’s algorithm employs less recency and weighs quality, relevancy, and trending information more heavily.


The best times to post on social media depend on you.

Although it is useful to be aware of the ideal times to post on social media in general, the ideal time to publish for your particular business depends on a variety of variables. The ideal time to publish on social media may change based on your audience and the sector you work in. To determine the ideal times to post on social media for you, you might need to conduct some data mining and research on your own. Additionally, it might be useful to be aware of the busiest posting periods so that you can publish when there is less competition for views.

The following advice will help you choose the ideal moment to publish on social media:

Track the source of your traffic

Do social media platforms genuinely drive traffic to your website? The first step is to set up website visitor tracking for your site, without which you cannot know.

Check the times that your audience is online the most.

What time of day spends the most time online with your target client? Numerous social media algorithms give the most recent postings top priority and prioritize recency. Posting while your fans are really online is the simplest method to increase interaction. In order to publish when your followers are online, check your Facebook and Instagram stats.

Discover Your Most Successful Old Posts

The optimal time to put something online is something you already know since it’s in your own data. Visit your most recent top-performing posts now. What time did they appear? This might help you determine when to post while moving forward. This information should be readily available to you if you utilize a social media scheduling tool like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Cloud Campaign.

Examine the Posts of Your Competitors

It’s usually a good idea to look at the social media feeds of your immediate rivals to see what they are posting about. Find out when their best-performing pieces were published, just like you would with your own (or even complete a full competitive analysis). You may either reverse-engineer their tactics or look for trends.

Verify the time zone twice

Make sure you post in the time zone of your audience, not your own. It sounds obvious, yet it’s frequently forgotten (if they differ). Posting in the morning or early afternoon will work good if the majority of your readership is American. However, if your target audience is in, instance, the United Kingdom, you should post at the appropriate hour in CET. You may even want to think about setting up a second account or handle only for that audience if a sizable portion of your following is located in a different location. Or, if your audience is international, you might want to think about updating continuously.

Test and Improve

After you have completed all of your research, test your data by either scheduling or publishing your posts to see if you can post at a time that you believe will result in a high level of interaction. Other methods of testing material include A/B testing, which involves posting the identical piece of content at various times to see when it receives the most views.

When to Post on Social Media at its Best

There is no one, ideal time to publish on social media, despite the fact that we have done our best to address this issue for you. However, you can optimize your posting schedule, boost interaction, and ideally boost the return on investment (ROI) of your social marketing approach by utilizing our advice and mining your own data. Additionally, it is a good idea to be aware of the fact that social media trends and the ideal posting times are always shifting.

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